On Tuesday we announced the CERN project to restore the first website, and what a response we've had! News of the project was all over European and US media as well as Twitter, and keeping up with the hundreds of enthusiastic tweets, tips and comments is a welcome challenge.
Thanks to all of you, especially those who tweeted, commented, or sent us leads and contacts to follow up.
A few stories stand out for me: Tim Berners-Lee got in touch, chipping into the comments section to let us know how to reinstate the line-mode browser; a man in Cork, Ireland, reckons he has the world's ninth web server sitting under his desk (we hope to link it once more to the first server); and it was great to see people looking – I mean really looking – at the source code of info.cern pages and getting excited out about how HTML has changed.
So we're off to a good start, but there is a lot to do. We're going to follow up your comments and suggestions and get in touch with those of you who wish to help out. I would encourage all of you to take a look at the eight objectives we have set for the project, and pick one or more to focus on – your help will be gratefully received.
There is a "time team" element to this project: some detective work is needed to suss out the earliest copies of info.cern.ch, find original documents and hard drives, and more. For example, a NeXT hard drive containing files from info.cern went missing at a conference in Santa Clara, California in the US in 1990. Is it in your basement?
Thanks again for your enthusiastic response. You'll be hearing from us.