I got a phone call from a rather excited Peter Jurcso this morning, a colleague in the CERN Beams department:
"I hear you're tracking down old web stuff."
"Yes," I replied. "Amongst other things."
"I have a 1999 backup of the NeXT hard drive. Would you like it? I can come by around midday."
True to his word, Peter turned up with a CD.
First thing we did was to back it up in a couple of different places, fingers trembling.
It will take some time to analyse what we have here, but it's looking good already. A few things we've noticed:
Early files
Looking at the timestamps shows that we have some early versions of some of the files from info.cern.ch:
Line-mode browser commands
Here is a great run down of some of the commands that you could use with the line-mode browser - I'd not seen this file before.
Read and destroy
I'm adopting this as my motto. It was printed on the cover sheet of a postscript version of some hypertext. Attached was a note urging the reader to discard this printed version and to check out the up-to-date version that could be accessed with a www browser, with the following heading:
Print is so...old.
Early markup
I'd wondered what kind of markup this screenshot of the line-mode browser was displaying:
And now we know:
More information to follow when we have it. In the meantime - thank you Peter!
Dan Noyes on
Submitted by Jesse Friedman (not verified) on 31 May 2013 Permalink
Will the backup of this be
Will the backup of this be available for open-source download?
Submitted by Dan Noyes on 31 May 2013 Permalink
Hi Jesse,
Hi Jesse,
Yes, we are building a repository of all the stuff we are uncovering during this project, and we will certainly include part or all of the files in this backup. Once the repository takes shape we'll announce it via this blog.